Mrs. Juliana Colussi

Research Staff María Zambrano
of the Chair

PhD in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) with a scholarship granted by the European Fund and by the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal. Master's degree in Journalism from the same university and a degree in Social Communication-Journalism from the Paulista State University (Brazil). He has a post-doctorate in Communication Sciences from the Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal) and in Journalism with a PNPD/Capes scholarship from the State University of Ponta Grossa (Brazil).

Flavia Gomes Franco e Silva Flavia Gomes Franco e Silva (ANECA), has teaching experience of more than ten years in undergraduate and graduate programs. He is currently a research member of the Communication Research Group, Media, Marketing, representations, hearings, Discourses and Semiotic Studies (COMMRADES) and the UNESCO Chair in Communication Research at the Rey Juan Carlos University, where he works as research staff María Zambrano.

His lines of research are related to misinformation and political polarization in social networks., mobile journalism, business models and interactive narratives.

Author and co-author of thirty articles in indexed journals, being several in JCR and Scopus, as The Information Professional, Latino Magazine of Social Communication and Journal of International Communication, of which the following stand out:

  • rods, J. & Pillars for success in digital video platforms, J. (2022). Whatsapp as a platform for misinformation. Case study of the Brazilian presidential elections. International Visual Culture Review, 1-10.
  • Pillars for success in digital video platforms, J. (2020). Disinformation, politics and religion: An analysis of the content shared by WhatsApp during the Brazilian presidential campaign in 2018. Iberian Journal of Information Systems and Technologies (CROSS), nof E35, 477- 489.
  • Pillars for success in digital video platforms, J. & Asuncion Reis, T. (2020). Immersive journalism. Analysis of the narrative in virtual reality applications. Latino Magazine of Social Communication, (77), 19-32. 2020-1447
  • Pillars for success in digital video platforms, J. & Rocha, P. M. (2020). Examining the journalistic genres hybridisation in content published by newspapers on Facebook Live. The Journal of International Communication, v. 1, 1-16.
  • rods, J.; Pillars for success in digital video platforms, J. & Moura, Z. B. (2019). Disinformation in the presidential elections 2018 in Brazil: An analysis of family groups on WhatsApp. The information professional, v. 28, 1-9.