You can access the summaries of the Congress participants through this link.
Sending of final papers and publication
The authors had to send the final paper, a catedra.comunesco@urjc.es, with deadline on Monday 15 of November. The papers could be sent in any of the four official languages of the symposium: Spanish, English, french and portuguese.
The final papers will be published by ORBICOM and the Unesco Chair for Communication Research at the Rey Juan Carlos University, in a reference publisher.
The texts must be original and can be written in Spanish, English, French or Portuguese. Manuscripts must follow the following guidelines:
- The presentations must be of 15 a 20 extension pages (including biography and footnotes).
- Every presentation must include a half page summary (in your preferred language).
- Fountain: Arial 12.
- Spacing: 1.5.
- Margins: 2.5cm above, 3 right cm, 2.5 cm down, 4 left cm.
- Article title: Arial 14 bold.
- Author's name: Arial 14, bold.
- Author's Title: Arial 12, 1 line space.
- Subtitle: Arial 12 underlined.
- Notes at the end of the document: Arial 12. Notes must be added at the end of the document. Please do not use footnotes.
- Bibliography: Arial 12. WHAT norm 7. Works cited only.