Mrs. Carmen Caffarel Serra

Director of the Chair

Born in Barcelona, is Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid), since 2002. She was general director of Radio Televisión Española (RTVE) since April 2004 until the 15 of January of 2007; director of the Cervantes Institute of 2007 a 2012; member of the Board of Directors of Telemadrid (2016-20189).

Doctor cum laude in Hispanic Linguistics (Hispanic Philology Section) by the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Complutense University of Madrid, In whose Faculty of Communication Sciences she has been a tenured professor of Communication Theory and Research Methods. Has been Vice Dean of Students, Internal Communication and International Relations from the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Complutense University (1994-1998) and Deputy Vice Chancellor for Students and International Relations University Rey Juan Carlos (2002-2002).

Has directed, as IP, several competitive projects and currently directs the "Maps of communication research in the Spanish Universities of 2007-2018”, State program for the generation of knowledge and scientific and technological strengthening of the r & d & i system, state subprogram for knowledge generation. (ref. PGC2018-093358-B-I00); is director of the high performance research group Guimedcom (Research group on mediation and communication of the URJC) and from 2011 Director of the Unesco Chair for Research in Communication.

Their lines of investigation they focus on:

  • Meta-research in Communication
  • Structure of the Media system
  • Public television
  • Communication and culture

Author and co-author of various publications in the main magazines of the area: To communicate, The research professional, Latin magazine of Social communication. His latest publications include:

He has obtained four six-year terms (one transfer) and six five-year teaching and is currently director of the Department of Communication Sciences and Sociology of the URJC.